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Jayashree Prasad-Sinha, PhD

Jayashree Prasad-Sinha, PhD

I am a geneticist, researcher and educator by profession. I earned my Ph.D. at the University Calcutta, India, I spent the majority of my career as a research scientist understanding mechanisms of gene regulation. When I retired from academia, I decided to work with the youth of our country to build their scientific temper by joining Teach For America as a corps member. I have taught science to middle school and high school students at both public and charter schools for the last several years in Dallas, TX. I am a climate activist for all current and future generations of children and their right to a clean and breathable air, clean and contamination-free drinking water, healthy and thriving planet that can sustain all forms of flora and fauna.

I have given  presentations on the climate crisis to a variety of audiences, especially students, young adults and adults, mixed audiences, clubs. I have been a traveller and learner all my life. Books are a source of knowledge, information and inspiration to me. I believe in “waste not want not,” or “willful waste makes woeful want (circa1576)” and living in tune with nature surrounded by flowers, plants, trees, rivers, lakes, seas, oceans, mountains and all kind of living things in their natural habitat, wherever and whenever possible.

Climate Reality Corps Training: Pittsburgh, PA, 2017

Home: Plano, 75025

Miles Willing to Travel to a Presentation: <25 miles

(Mask and social distancing required during COVID-19 times)

Experienced with Virtual Presentations: Yes

Key Topics: Climate change impact, causes and solutions and solutions based on Project Drawdown and scientific innovations.

Ideal Audience Type: Students, young adults and adults.

Contact Jayashree Prasad for a presentation:



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