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Rebecca Pearce

Having lived and worked overseas, I have seen firsthand how different cultures approach and appreciate meal customs and interact with their land. It was what started a 10 year journey for me that questioned our US diet, our recycling and composting habits, our access to fresh, organic food, and so much more. A forever student, I dove into the ways of un-learning what I was taught about our meat and dairy industry, devouring podcasts, documentaries, books, and anyone I could speak to that had a different viewpoint from the way I was taught. I was challenged and inspired to learn about the impact our food choices made on our planet.
A decade later and I’ve turned that inquisitive nature into passion and advocacy for a plant-based diet, eating locally and seasonally, community and home gardens, access to fresh food for all, reducing food waste, and action on a government level.
As for my hobbies, well, they revolve around plants too – a visit to a farmer’s market, cooking my way through a plant-based culinary course, working with my children in our garden, a dive to the bottom of a coral reef.
If your group or organization is interested in hearing about how our current food system is in need of a major overhaul and the steps we can all take to begin the reversal of this damage, please reach out via email.


Climate Reality Corps Training: Global Virtual Training 2021                                                                                     
Home: Dallas
Miles Willing to Travel to a Presentation: 50 miles
Experienced with Virtual Presentations: Yes
Key Topics: Food Sustainability, Our current food system and the climate impact, Plant-based eating, Home and Community Gardens 
Contact Rebecca for a presentation:

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