Maintain the Chapter’s Relationship with Climate Reality Project
The Chair is the chapter’s representative for communication with Climate Reality Project. This typically includes four separate responsibilities:
Regular communication with the chapter’s point person from the Chapter Support Team. Careful cultivation of a positive working relationship with the point person is essential to the well being of the chapter
Regular attendance at the Monthly Chapter Leaders Call
Regular filing of the Monthly Chapter Report
Annual submission of the updated Strategic Plan
Ensure Chapter Compliance with Climate Reality Policies and Procedures
The Chair must understand and ensure chapter compliance with all Climate Reality policies. This includes what is and is not permitted for a 501(c)3, non-profit organization. It also includes the policies regarding use of social media. Other policies include for example the Jemez Principles and the Climate Reality position statement on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice (DIEJ).
Convene the Chapter
The Chair convenes the chapter. The chapter only exists as a chapter if the members are brought together on some regular schedule for the purpose of proposing and then carrying out collaborative actions.
Convene the Executive Committee
The Chair should communicate regularly with members of the Executive Committee and should convene meetings of the entire committee quarterly and otherwise as needed to effectively manage the affairs of the chapter.
Participate with the Other Chairs of Texas Chapters in the Lone Star Chapters Coalition
At present, this consists of attending a monthly call with the other Texas Chairs. One goal of the coalition is to develop coordinated statewide actions. Other forms of chapter collaboration are being discussed. This is a newly formed coalition as of 2020.